Wayne Westland Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement

Wayne Westland Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide for Educators, Parents and the Community

The Wayne Westland Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is a vital document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for teachers and other staff members in the district. The contract is agreed upon by the Wayne Westland Board of Education and the bargaining unit, which is represented by the Wayne-Westland Education Association (WWEA).

As educators, parents, and members of the community, it`s essential to understand the Wayne Westland Schools CBA. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to this document, highlighting the most important aspects of the agreement and their implications for the district.

What is Collective Bargaining?

Collective bargaining is the process in which employers and employees negotiate the terms and conditions of employment, including wages, benefits, and working conditions. In the case of Wayne Westland Schools, the bargaining unit is represented by the WWEA, which negotiates with the Board of Education to develop the CBA.

The CBA is usually in effect for a set period, after which negotiations begin again to amend or renew the contract. The current agreement is in effect from July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2023.

What Does the Wayne Westland Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement Cover?

The Wayne Westland Schools CBA covers a wide range of topics, including wages, benefits, work hours, and working conditions. Here are some of the essential aspects of the agreement:

1. Wages and Salaries: The CBA outlines the salary scale for teachers and other staff members in the district. The scale is based on years of experience and educational level and is adjusted annually to reflect changes in the cost of living.

2. Benefits: The agreement provides comprehensive health insurance coverage for employees, including medical, dental, and vision. It also includes life insurance and disability benefits.

3. Work Hours: The CBA sets the standard work hours for teachers and other staff members, including the number of instructional hours per day and the number of days worked per year.

4. Working Conditions: The agreement outlines the working conditions for employees, including class sizes, teacher workload, and safety provisions.

5. Grievance Procedures: The CBA provides a formal process for addressing grievances between employees and the district. This procedure includes a series of steps that must be followed before the dispute can be brought before an independent arbitrator.

Why is the Wayne Westland Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement Important?

The Wayne Westland Schools CBA is critical for several reasons:

1. It ensures fair compensation and benefits for teachers and other staff members in the district.

2. It establishes clear guidelines for working conditions and safety provisions.

3. It provides a structured process for addressing grievances and resolving disputes between employees and the district.

4. It helps to maintain a positive working relationship between the district and its employees by ensuring transparency and fairness in the negotiation process.


The Wayne Westland Schools Collective Bargaining Agreement is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for teachers and other staff members in the district. As educators, parents, and members of the community, it`s essential to understand this agreement and its implications for the district.

The CBA ensures fair compensation and benefits for employees, establishes clear guidelines for working conditions and safety provisions, provides a structured process for addressing grievances, and helps to maintain a positive working relationship between the district and its employees. By understanding this agreement, we can help to ensure a better future for our schools, our students, and our community.