Latihan Soal Agreement Dan Disagreement

As writers and communicators, it’s critical that we communicate our ideas and opinions effectively. To do so, we must have a solid grasp of grammar and language rules to ensure our message is clear and concise. One grammar rule that is important to understand and practice is the use of agreement and disagreement in English.

Agreement refers to when the subject and verb in a sentence match in either singular or plural form. Disagreement, on the other hand, occurs when the subject and verb do not match in form. Mastering the use of these concepts can be challenging, particularly for those who are not native English speakers. However, with practice, anyone can improve their grammar skills.

To help you master the skill of agreement and disagreement, we provide the following practice questions to help refine your skills:

1. The book on the shelf [are/is] my favorite.

The correct answer is “is”. Although “book” may seem like a plural noun, in this instance, it is the subject of the sentence and is therefore singular. Therefore, it must match with the singular verb “is”.

2. The group of birds [flies/fly] overhead.

The correct answer is “fly”. In this instance, “group” is the subject of the sentence and is singular. However, the verb “fly” must match the plural noun “birds”, which means it must be in its plural form.

3. Every day, the baker [bake/bakes] fresh bread.

The correct answer is “bakes”. “Baker” is the subject of the sentence and is singular, and therefore it must match with the singular verb “bakes”.

4. The group of students [were/was] given an assignment.

The correct answer is “was”. As with practice question two, the word “group” is the subject of the sentence and is singular. Therefore, it must match with the singular verb “was”.

5. The committee [has/have] yet to make a decision.

The correct answer is “has”. Although “committee” may seem like a plural, it is actually a singular noun in this instance. Therefore, it must match with the singular verb “has”.

By practicing exercises such as these, you can improve your understanding of agreement and disagreement usage. However, it is important to note that grammar rules can be complex and nuanced, and may vary between dialects and cultures. As such, it is always important to have a solid understanding of the language itself, and to continually practice and refine your skills in order to master the rules of grammar.